2021 property tax notifications –
Coming soon to a mailbox near you
Information provided by Douglas County
Since mid-January, property owners in Douglas County have been receiving 2021 property tax bills or tax notifications in the mail.
One thing to note when reviewing a tax bill or notification is that while taxes are paid to the County Treasurer’s Office, the County treasurer is tasked with distributing the funds to the various taxing authorities associated with an individual property.
“Where you live in the County determines which taxing authorities serve you, how much your property tax is, and ultimately where your property tax dollars are distributed by our office,” said Dave Gill, Douglas County treasurer. Typically, less than a third of the property tax you pay stays with County government,” Gill said.
To see where an individual’s property taxes are distributed, visit yourdougcotaxes.com to access a map-based view of individual properties with detailed information on how much each taxing authority receives, as well as links to assessor and treasurer data. A search can be conducted by the property owner’s address or simply zoom in on the map to view individual parcel details about Douglas County properties.
To view parcel details, pay taxes online, obtain property tax history and receipts for payments, as well as view and print the current year’s tax statement, visit douglascotax.com. E-check payments are free of charge, convenient, credited immediately, secure, and a receipt is emailed.
There are options to pay taxes in one full installment by April 30 or in two installments with the first half due by the last day of February and the second half due by June 15. Payments must be received, not just postmarked, by the due date.
Property owners who have not received a property tax notification by mid-February, please email the Douglas County Treasurer’s Office at dctreasurer@douglas.co.us or visit https://www.douglas.co.us/treasurer/.